Mamiya 645AFD
First Published July 14, 2019
Yes, you are absolutely right. The summertime has kept me preoccupied with a variety of things, and I have not posted in a good while. However, that doesn't mean I haven't been creating content to share with my wonderful audience.
There are many perks when it comes to working in a studio environment. Creative minds to bounce ideas, access to studio space and geeking out over camera gear! Which evidently means they may own a few fancy and unique toys for me to borrow, and borrow I did.
I am not going to get into too much detail about what this beast of a camera can do. I instead want to show you, but that will have to be at a later time. I can tell you that I've picked up my 3 favourite rolls of film. which are in the 120mm format, so I'll be getting about 16 frames per roll.
Big thank you to Liza Litvinovich for lending me her beautiful medium format Mamiya 645AFD. She is one of my mentors when it comes to developing my skills in fine art photography. It is no surprise that she has offered to lend me this camera, as she is a truly giving person by nature.
Please go check out her at